Milang Community News

Milang Community News

Close to 100 people attended the Annual General Meeting of the Milang and District Community Association on Thursday 29th August. For those who were unable to attend copies of the Annual and Audited financial Reports are available at the Milang Old School House Community Centre.
We thank Mr Mike Davidson, an independent person from Strathalbyn who undertook the role of returning officer.  The following people were elected:
President: Karyn Bradford
Vice President: Wayne Footer
Secretary: Cathy Fish
Treasurer: John Whyte
Committee Members:  Sue Haeusler, Penny Whitaker, Mike Galea, Greg Knight, Jodie Dolling and Ros Francis. I congratulate all those elected and look forward to working together with this group of local people who have committed their time, energy and skills to provide the governance required to support the organisation and the community.
Highlights of the 23/24 year were:
The completion of the restoration and opening of the Milang Lakeside Butter Factory.
Improved MADCA governance policies and procedures ensuring that we meet all accreditation and audit standards.
Sourced funding to provide a variety of community development programs which are greatly enjoyed by participants.
The youth program continues to grow with the support of Reclink and Alexandrina Council.
Lakes Home Care continues to grow and supports over 200 people to stay in their own homes and communities with support.
Employing 44 permanent and part time local people in MADCA programs and Lakes Home Care.

During the AGM a question was raised around conflicts of interest. MADCA has processes in place for managing conflicts of interest which aligns with the key principles outlined by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Adopt a conflict of interest policy
This outlines how the organisation will handle conflicts of interest and defines the method the committee will take to address and respond to situations.
Create and maintain a register of interests
This helps our organisation to understand potential conflicts before they arise and give the committee more time to consider how best to manage them.
Create and promote a culture of disclosure. 
Committee members should view disclosing their interests as part of their role and should encourage colleagues to do the same.
Promptly manage conflicts of interest
Depending on the circumstances, it may be appropriate to have a committee member:  
. excuse themselves from participating in any discussion on the conflict
. remove themselves from the room during the time of any discussion
. abstain from voting on the matter

Karyn Bradford
Milang and District Community Association Inc.

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