The Revolution Motor Museum situated at Mypolonga holds a selection of very unusual motor vehicles, so we decided that this would be a great place to ‘Stickybeak’.
The 10-seater bus for this trip filled up quickly for the 3rd Tuesday of August, but on the morning of departure we were advised that three ‘Stickybeakers’ couldn’t make it leaving only 7 to go and explore.
Arriving at Murray Bridge we pulled into the Rocky Gully Wetlands parking area for our usual cuppa and biscuits.
Booked for a 10.30am visit at the Aussie Apricots outlet owned and operated by Kathy and Paul Prosser, we were welcomed into their outlet shop to sample their products and an opportunity to purchase their chocolate dipped apricots, bags of apricots, hand creams with different fragrances and soaps made from Buffalo milk.
Paul then took us to the garages that stored many very unusual motor vehicles. Beautiful old vintage cars some of which many of us have never heard of such as the Gordon Cyclecar believed to be the only one left in the world. Many of these vintage vehicles are owned and loaned to this museum by the Wicks Family from the area. Each vehicle has a very interesting written history attached.

Moving to another building now full of Paul’s own personal vehicles we were surprised to see muscle cars wall to wall. There were five Corvettes dating from 1965 to 1986 (which excited me personally having owned a 1977). Also, a Pontiac Thunderbird, Ford Falcon Cobra and a Pontiac Trans am. Certainly a sight to behold for those who appreciate cars from the past. We then moved on and into his own cinema with complete surround sound and large screen.
From this room we moved on to his workshop where he has a variety of vehicles in the stage of repair waiting for clever hands to put them back together. In the paint booth is an American Indianapolis race car waiting for a coat of paint.
All in all, a very interesting visit to the Mypolonga car museum.
Off for a late lunch at the new Hotel at Murray Bridge then the usual soft serve from’ Maccas’ kindly bought by Wayne and a good cruise home. Another great day enjoyed by Mel, John, another John, Wayne, (not the Duke) George, Norman and myself.
Next month, Tuesday 17th September the Stickybeaks men’s group are off on a South Coast Adventure! Book in at MOSHCC 8537 0687 as seats are limited.