Milang Cottage Garden Club
Milang Cottage Garden Club

Milang Cottage Garden Club

monthly outing report

Hi fellow gardeners
Would you believe it, I am actually handwriting this report as my computer has gone on strike, so back to pen and paper (subsequently typed up by the editor).
Well back to the report, the 16th August dawned cool but fine with rain promised so we all left with jackets etc. which we did not use, in fact we all asked Peter to turn the air conditioner on as we became too warm.
This trip was usually a marathon of five nurseries but we decided to split it into two trips with the addition of a new nursery.
We started at Norwood Nursery on Portrush Road where there was the usual riot of colour with trays of Pansies, Cinnias etc. as well as some Lily of the Valley which I love but resisted as it was too expensive and will not go in our alkaline soil. This was followed by Hynes Nursery on The Parade then Klemzig on O.G.Road.
A new nursery was to follow but between the time of discovery and our visit they had moved and not being sure where they had gone to we decided to have lunch in a nearby park, then go to Newmans on the way home.
The raffle this month was won by Jeff.
Next months trip will be to Mt. Barker Garden Depot, Misty Creek, Mitre 10 and Bunnings with lunch at Karloo.
If you would like to join us please call 8537 0453. The trip is on 15th September leaving at 9am from the Institute.
Anne Feast.

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