First stop was at Fleurieu Cherries and the Stickies enjoyed a look through the shop and tasted the Cherry wines and most of us enjoyed a cherry ice cream in a cone. We had a morning tea under the gums at the Cherry Farm. A few punnets of cherries came home to share with the families. We then proceeded to Meadows, Echunga and eventually reached the luncheon spot at Bridgewater Inn.
Being a little early we awarded the Fearless Leader Putt Putt championship. Bill Quinn receiving his trophy as the 2024 champion and David Rhodes was absent but won the hole in one competition and Mel Brazzalotto took out the prestigious NAGA award. We all enjoyed a delicious Xmas lunch.

Heading home the Stickybeaks stopped in at Windmill Hill Recycling Centre and of course some made handy purchases and the obligatory icecream for all was collected at the Macca’s drive through.
Wishing all the stickies Merry Xmas and a reminder that Jan 21st at 10am at MOSHCC we’ll have morning tea and plan the 2025 program.
Stickybeaks Men’s Group Planning Meeting
The Stickybeaks Men’s group are meeting up in the Lakeside Butter Factory, 22-23 Daranda Terrace, Milang at 10am on 21st January to make plans for 2025.
On the 3rd Tuesday of the month the men’s group set off on the bus to have a sticky beak at places and spaces around the area. They usually find a shady spot for morning tea, spend time checking out places of interest (a different one each month) and have lunch at a pub, bakery or restaurant.
If this sounds like something you would like to do, come along to the planning meeting, keep an eye out in the Milang Community News for upcoming adventures or alternatively contact Milang Community Centre for more information, 85370687.