(Did you know?)
- Employs 35 staff
- Provides Lakes Home Care Aged Care services to 68 people through Home Care Packages
- Delivers Childcare to preschool children 8 hours /week
- Restored and manages the Milang Lakeside Butter Factory
- Provides spaces, activities and programs at the Milang Old School House Community Centre for all ages
- Provides 120 people with in Commonwealth home support services such as domestic assistance, home maintenance, social support and personal care
- Delivers Meals on Wheels
- Has 71 active volunteers
- Counselling services available
- Healthy and Active programs including Stepping on, Tai Chi, Keep Fit
- Social Support programs including Friday Feast, Card Afternoons, Quiz Time, Movie Matinee, Wow Group, Stickybeaks
- Established and manages the Youth Hub in partnership with Reclink and the Alexandrina Council
- Provides free/low cost Training and Learning experiences
- Publishes the Milang Community News
- Organises Anzac Day and Remembrance Day Services
- Provides emergency relief
- Provides access to computers and internet and much more……