Monthly Outing Report

Hi Fellow Garden Lovers
September 11th dawned fine with the promise of showers which are badly needed but not today thank you.
Six members and a visitor from the UK set off, this was to be an easy day but with lots of climbing in and out of the bus. First stop was the Garden Depot at Mt Barker where there is always a good display of plants, containers etc. Margaret said she needed some large hanging baskets for her shade house, well here she got two nice ones almost too nice to put plants in. I purchased a mature peony with two flower buds, have tried to grow them from small plants with no success so am going for a more established plant this time.
Next stop was Mitre 10 where I managed to get some paint that I thought we had some of but could not find, guess what, I found it when we got home not in the place it should have been. Next stop was Misty Creek with its grand display of colour from Sweet Peas to Magnolias.
From here we headed to Oakbank, had lunch and a wander around Karloo, here there is so much to see I do not think I have seen half of it yet even though we have visited it many times. Margaret found another large basket this time larger than before do not envy her trying to lift them up when full of soil and plants.
Leaving Oakbank, we began to retrace our journey stopping off at Bunnings where, yes you are right, Margaret found two more baskets and I fell to the charm of some Azaleas. Next stop was Wistow for coffee and the drawing of the raffle box which was won by Jeff for the third time this year, we will have to ban him.
The next trip on the 9th October will not be to the Adelaide Botanical Gardens as there is too much walking, so instead I am trying to arrange a bus tour of the Mt Lofty gardens, failing this it will be one of Peter’s mystery tours. If you would like to join us call me on 85370453, you will need lunch and a small item for the raffle box.
Anne Feast.