by Alvyn Hopgood
Graham Eatts

Graham Eatts worked for Arch Scott, who had the contract with SAFU to pick up milk from farmers in the district then deliver it to Milang Butter and Cheese Factory. This was in the 1940s. Graham also delivered coal to the factory from the railway trucks at the Milang Station to be used for the boiler. And Graham picked up and carted stumps – mallee – from around the area. These were used to fire the boiler. Graham’s father, Ron Eatts, built the large cement round tank in the north corner of the block in the 1930s and 40s. It was used by the butter factory for cooling purposes. Graham bought his own truck in the early 1950s and carted milk from the area to Meadows, after the Milang Cheese Factory closed in February 1951. He was under contract with SAFU.
Edward Albert Lionel Bowden (known as Lionel)
The following is provided by Judith Suttle (nee Bowden) and is in the words of Lionel
Bowden: When I was eighteen-and-a-half years old, I went to work in the Farmers Union Factory in Milang. This was in 1919 and I worked there for 47 years. First of all, I received one pound, sixteen shillings per week, working a five-and-a-half-day week. I had much of Saturday afternoon off when we got through our morning’s work, and all of Sunday off. We received one week’s holiday without pay. Later, the Miscellaneous Workers’ Union stepped in and we were paid for our week’s holiday. Later, we received two week’s holidays with pay. In 1928, I was earning three pounds, seven shillings and sixpence. In the early 1930s, we were struck by the Depression. My earnings had risen to four pounds, ten shillings a week. We were then obliged to work with shorter staff, so to save any sackings, we agreed to work one week on and one week off. I started at SAFU in 1919, as a can washer and general roustabout. Soon, I became assistant butter maker, and then chief butter maker and foreman. In 1946, the factory converted to cheese making and I learnt to make cheese and became foreman and head cheesemaker. In 1950, the factory became just the milk depot and I was transferred to Mile End SAFU for six months as butter maker, then to a laboratory as milk and cream tester and I held that position until I retired in 1966.