Poets Corner July 2024
Poets Corner July 2024

Poets Corner July 2024

Ode to my Toes

Mavis Lang

Like sleepy baby mice you rest
cosy in my nest of sock.
Sometimes, you squirm
and sweat under stress,
other times you beg like dogs
to be released on fresh green lawn.
In your quest for freedom,
you’ve thrust your horny spears
through sheets and shoes.
But mostly, you are tame, patient
and fall into line each morning
to help me balance on life’s tightrope.
You are never naughty, needy or loud,
don’t clap or make rude signs like vulgar hands;
you’re happy backstage. You ground me
and I’ll always guard you from heels and hooves
from prickles, and thorns, and warts in locker rooms.
And I’ll make sure to wiggle you, air you, and bathe you
and run a fluffy towel of thanks between you all.

The Ballroom Dancers

Margaret Gardner

The music draws them together
Bodies moving as one
Feet hardly touching the floor.
Hearts lifted filled with the song
In the air swirls magic tonight
No thought for tomorrow is there.
A love song is playing
A waltz time romance
Wordlessly they move to the floor.
The world seems to stop
As they twirl round and round
They don’t want the music to stop.
Aching ankles, knees and hips
Slow the dancers down
They love it all the same.
And so, to the final chapter
when bodies let them down
and dancing only happens
in a remnant of their minds.

Sophia Spillage

Dinali Virasinghe

The scarlet leaves scattered across the path.
The branches bending beneath the weight of golden blooms.
Eastern Spinebills feeding in flight from purple sprays.
Patches of brightness on a grey-sky day.

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