May 8th dawned cool and misty so those attending were dressed with lots of layers to be removed as the day warmed up which it did. There were only six, and two of those were walking wounded, not moving far from the bus at the stops but enjoying the change of scenery and good company. Because of the three members missing through either sickness or appointments this meant we had lots of room.
We were unable to go to our first usual stop on this trip as Hills herbs has closed for business but there are always others. First stop Mitre 10 in McLaren Vale which always has a good display of plants and we were not disappointed. I think I got the bargain of the day I picked up a cyclamen, a lovely pure white miniature, at what I considered a reasonable price, only to be charged half of that amount at the check out..
Then on to the native nursery on Swamp Road where there seemed to be nearly as many pots as plants. Here the verdict was the plants were not up to the usual standard so only one or two purchased. Next stop the Rose garden in the centre of McLaren Vale for a comfort stop and lunch in the sunshine. Across the road from here is a nursery with a good display of plants pots etc many of which found their way into the bus. The most out standing was a large pot of sunflowers which will make a statement in their new garden.
Next stop was The Jungle at Willunga this place gets bigger every time we go there and of course more plants joined the bus. We decided not to try and find the other nursery in the area as it was get quite warm and most of us had taken off as many layers that it was decent to do so in public. So we headed for Finniss for a drink after giving the bus one first.
At Finniss we had our usual tea or coffee to celebrate a members birthday in May and draw the raffle which was won by Jeff.
The next trip will be to the Murray Bridge area on June 12th. We will most likely have two seats available if you would like to join us. We leave the Institute at 9am returning approx.. 3.30 -4.00pm you will need $15 bus fare , your lunch, a drink, and a small item for the raffle box . You do not have to buy anything at the nurseries just enjoy a day out with pleasant company , putting the world to right and solving any problems. Ring Anne on 85370453 if you would like to join us .

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